Monday, June 15, 2009

Google Alerts

Google Alerts??????

Is it me or, is the "Google Alert" feature a joke most of the time?

Over half the info that "they" flag is either outdated (i.e. his health from S4) or, some fucked up site that doesn't know shit about him (i.e. porn sites or people who just happen to type his name on a post).

Apparently, quantity is of higher value than quality.

Okay, off my soap box now........

Don't mess with the vixens and their guy!!!!
OR ELSE!!!!!


VDO'obessed said...

Something may be wrong with your search engine. The only google alerts I get on him is when his name is mentioned in a news article.

I've never gotten porn or blog alerts...

fuzzytweetie said...

Some of the blog/news alerts are links to "adult sites". Mind you, I love sex and VDO, especially when it invovles both LOL. I think a couple other vixens have clicked on them, too. You learn to spot them and NOT to click. However, if anyone finds Mr. D. in the buff (FOR REAL) I want to be the first to know!!!!! LOL :0)

jazzy said...

i always get google alerts in foreign languages. not sure if some of them REAL languages.