Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Off limits, out of bounds, verboten
banned, prohibited, outlawed
restricted, unspeakable

Ahhhhh, life is interesting, isn't it?
Through the ages, society has placed parameters on many things. Pesky little rules that get in the way of us having a little fun. Prudes have been making us toe the line. Why is it that when people are miserable little turds, they keep the rest of us from having a little harmless fun? What's wrong with...........

having a little love affair with a serial killer?

enjoying tete-a-tete with a murderous bug?
(especially one that wants to destroy earth)

bumping and grinding with a priest?
(I ain't Catholic but, I'd consider converting!)

first time I'd ever say, "Eat me" to a priest.

taboo, forbidden, impolite
unacceptable, rude, gross
unlawful, dirty

taboo: proscribed by society as improper or unacceptable.
set apart as sacred; forbidden for general use.
a ban based on social convention.
the practice of setting things apart.

I guess some things you just don't do..........
unless of course the "do-ee" is TGOS!!!


val said...

Sound like yes-yeses to me.

Anonymous said...

I think some people have a stick up their ass about sex....oh wait, maybe their problem is they don't - LOL!!

SnarkAngel said...

I do LOVE to break the rules ... especially when they involve Vincent.