I deemed it important to rename the days of the week, again.
Remember, I can do whatever I want~~~~~
in my little blogger world, anyway!
Character style.....
Sexy Sunday
Zipper and hands. Oh so close to the "happy trail"!Mouthful Monday
I know what I can do here. Damn, that furry chest again!!!!!Titillating Tuesday
Suspenders won't slow me down.....
The hat won't either ~~~~~ CUTE!!!
Well-endowed Wednesday
Can't think of a damn thing to say here.
nope, still distracted.
Throbbing Thursday
"Insert" your own thought here (if you can even think right now).Frisky Friday
I just adore Sam!
Sensual Saturday
Another tough one to stay focused on.
What day is this?
Where was I going with this?
What was I going to say?
Who the fuck cares?
Hope you enjoyed this.
I sure did!
Of course Monday is my fave day (yes, I'm predictable). Thursday isn't bad either; the suspenders, you know.
That's definitely MY kind of week!!!
Great to see a list of D'Onofrio Days.
Saturday indeed!...is very drooling, but I think that Saturday is wonderful too...
This is just the Perfect Week for me! :-D
This is EXACTLY the kind of week I neeeeeeeeed!
I think the week just got better... Yowzer
I would take him every day..in spades.never I could have enaf of that hunky man!!;)))
since i never know what day of the week it is when i wake up, this is most helpful
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