Sunday, October 31, 2010

Evil is upon us.............

(Creaky door noise, wolf howl, bats flying, all around spooky stuff happening)

"I vant to drink your blood......"

Where do you want me to start sucking?

I'm all tinglely and goosebumpily.


The Vinny version of Mr. Potato Head

The patented VDO look.
He needs TWO hands for his big guns........I can be his "supporter"

Curls and a sneer, a vixen can't ask for anything more.

He can chase me (around the bed) anytime......I promise to let him catch me..

Nothing like a roach in the house! Now, do I smoke him out or, smoke him???? Hmmmm.........the choices one has to make.

We ALL know how spooky Pvt Pyle is.....And how sexy tidy whities can be.

Who'd a thunk a hunk could make a "head" look so good? I love his head....

Jack O'Lantern

I said, "No candy corn! I hate candy corn!"
Okay, I admit it, I'm obsessed with Plye............muahhhh, ha, ha, ha, ha.....

!!!Happy Halloween!!!

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