Saturday, November 22, 2008


Since deer hunting season starts today.....

I thought we'd see our "dear"

Play with his guns.....

I'll be out of town for a few days so, I made a couple of posts ahead of time. Enjoy Vixen Gang and be safe.


Anonymous said...

Gotta love a man with a BIG gun (even though Vincent hates them!)

val said...

I hate them too, but I love his stance when he holds one.

Eliza said...

I'm not keen on guns of any shape or size..but I am very keen when I see Bobby with one (work that out LOL)

PurpleVixen7 said...

Vincent hates guns(aaahhh..what a man..);BUT HE NEVER EVER CAN HIDE HIS HUGEEEEEEE "GUN"!!;)))