Sunday, November 30, 2008


In my humble opinion...........
You'd have to be DEAD or a
to NOT want to be kissed by D'Mayun!!!!!!!!!!

And yes, I know I included a couple of "those" pictures (I'm sure you know which ones I'm talking about), but DAMN the two of them sure could kiss!!


Anonymous said...

I think Vincent could teach most of his gender a thing or two about kissing. He's SPECTACULAR at it - and I'd like a sample please!

val said...

You mean the ones where he's kissing Great Skanky?

He is the only screen kisser that doesn't make me cringe. Au contraire he makes me STEAM!

Has anyone else noticed that the word verification letters are looking more like words these days. The one I'm about to type in says "brando". Don't know about you, but I think D'Onofrio is a much greater method actor than old Marlon ever was.

fuzzytweetie said...

Yup, those are the ones.

You're absolutely right about the words AND Brando. No comparison at all to Mr. D. AND, you can UNDERSTAND what he's saying!LOL

PurpleVixen7 said...

Nobody kisses like other man!!
I don't get why can say no to,those lips??!!FOOLS!!