Saturday, January 16, 2010


I was just over at BASRIC's blog reading about the NBC debacle. You almost need a score card to see who's in and who's out. The rumors about an LOCI:LA make me shudder and want to puke. I guarantee I WILL NOT watch that piece of fluffy tripe.

We all wish that Mr. D and Ms. E would still be with LO:CI. Mr. Goldblum will not be able to carry the show, imho. The show will turn into a sad shell of it's former self.

The same with NBC. The studio is committing a slow, painful public suicide. I'd sell my stock and bail if I were a tradin' sort of gal. It slowly started to unravel when the LO:CI shit it the fan. Now it's Conan and Leno. Did someone suck the brains out of the execs at NBC (Nothing But Crap)/ USA (Unbelievably Stupid Assholes)??

Anyway, Mr. D and Ms. E are now free of the politics/constraints/fools at NBC (I'm not forgetting Wolf but, that's another bowl of shit.......). Mr. D has said that he is able to do projects now that he would have had to otherwise pass on because of the shooting schedule of a biweekly show. So, it looks like Mr. D and Ms. E were fortunate enough to debark the good ship NBC Titanic before the final voyage.


bobbybegood1 said...

Three years ago, when I started hearing rumors that Vincent was going to leave CI, I made up my mind then that I was going to have nothing, nada, nil, intentions/reasons for watching LOCI anymore. And everyone I talk to, who love the show, feels the same.

ann said...

maybe we need to be a little realistic - as ardent vincent fans, we think the show will collapse without him/them -

it probably won't because there are also many many goldblum fans who may have never seen the show before but will now because he's in it -

i can only go by example - my daughter is not into vincent, but she loves goldblum - when i told her he was in the show she was really excited - just because diehard vincent fans don't like him, other people do and everyone knows who he is

i was housedoctoring and the estate agent (two women) came round, saw vdo's pics around my office area and asked who he was

i adore bobby bobby, but his storylines were getting terrible - i'm just so happy that he's got so many more projects up his sleeve for us to look forward to